LodDepot's integration with Wave facilitates effortless synchronization with the Wave online payment platform (https://www.waveapps.com).
This feature allows you to automate Credit Card and bank ACH payments.
This seamless connection optimizes your operations, minimizes manual data entry, and ensures that your business transaction records remain accurate and up-to-date.
Login to Wave account and then open https://developer.waveapps.com/.
Click Documentation then Manage Application
Then Click Create an application button and enter Application Name and Redirect URLs
Then scroll down and select Yes, I agree checkbox and click Create your application
Once the application has been created , you will receive your Client ID and Client Secret.
Go back to Wave account and select Sales & Payments > Product & Services
Add two new products:
Processing Fee
In LodDepot portal navigate to Tools → Settings → Integration
Then enable Wave Integration
Enter Client ID and Client Secret from previous step.
Next, enter a processing fee if you wish to include it on your customer invoices and charge your customers.
Enable the "Include Processing Fee into Invoice Amount" option if you prefer not to display it as a separate line item.
Then click Save button.
After save, click Wave Connect and then Allow access button
After returning to the LodDepot Wave Connect page, the connection status will show as Connected
along with the token expiration date. You will need to reconnect to Wave once a year to refresh the connection.
After establishing the connection, follow these steps to invoice customers and charge their credit cards using Wave:
Go to Customers/Vendors > Customers.
Choose the customer you want to invoice and charge through Wave.
Click Edit and navigate to the Custom Fields tab.
Toggle the Online Payments option to activate it.
If you wish to charge a processing fee to your customers, enable the "Online Payment Apply Processing Fee" option.
Enter a custom processing fee percentage if it differs from the main configuration.
Please ensure that you provide a valid two-character state code (e.g., NY) for the billing address.
When you save a customer, their information will be added to your Wave account within a few minutes.
When the online payment option is enabled for a customer, all subsequent invoices will be created in the Wave account after Posting.
Once a sales order is posted, a Wave invoice will be generated within a few minutes.
After the invoice appears in your Wave account, a blue Wave logo will be displayed on the sales order line.
When a payment is posted for an invoice in your Wave account, the corresponding payment will be created in your LodDepot account.
To synchronize payments, click the Reconcile Wave Invoices button on the sales order screen. All new payments will be loaded within a few minutes.
Once the payment is recorded, your sales order will be marked as Paid.
This process ensures that payments made through Wave are accurately reflected in your LodDepot account, keeping your records up to date.