Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Item Full Mapping | Get an overview of how your items are sorted: categories, brands, vendors | Web/Excel |
Item Categories | Get a rundown of how your items are grouped within your categories | Web/Excel |
Purchase Order Items | Web/Excel | |
Item Lots Active | An overview of all active item lots | Web/Excel |
Item Lots By Expiration | An overview of all active item lots with an expiration date | Web/Excel |
Item Lot Inventory | Track the monetary value of your item lots | Web/Excel |
Item Inventory | A global overview of your current inventory levels | Web/Excel |
Item Active Reconciliation | Web/Excel | |
Item Catalog | An overview of all items | Web/Excel |
Item Image/PDF Catalog | Create an image catalog for all or only select items | Web/Excel/PDF/Schedule PDF* |
Customer Order Items Template | Create an order guide for a customer | Web/Excel/PDF |
*Schedule PDF - Creating image catalogs can take time. Select Schedule PDF when creating an extensive image catalog and LodDepot will send it to the main user's email once it is finished.
Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Price Level Items | Track items that are part of one or more price levels. | Web/Excel |
Price Level Item Cost Exception | Web/Excel | |
Price Level Item By Customer | Track items that are part of one or more price levels for individual customers. | Web/Excel |
Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Item Income Analysis | Get an overview of your sales. Use actual vs. expected comparison to evaluate performance. | Web/Excel |
Item Sales History | Track sales history of each individual item | Web/Excel |
Item Sales Summary | Get an overview of how individual categories/customers/items are performing. | Web/Excel |
Sales Order Items | If you run promotions with free items, this report will show you which items and in what quantity are being sold for free. | Web/Excel |
Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Customer Sales | Get a more detailed overview of sales by customer/or multiple. Great for internal analysis as it includes cost and profit %. | Web/Excel |
Customer Sales Short | Get a more detailed overview of sales by customer/or multiple. Great for customer reports as includes payment status protects sensitive information such as cost and profit %. | Web/Excel |
Customer Cash Transactions | Get an overview of all payments by customer. | Web/Excel |
Customer Status | Give you an easy access to customer information, helps identify overdue accounts and track last order date. | Web/Excel |
Item Quantity By Customers | A great way to compare customers’ purchasing volumes side by side. | Web/Excel |
Item Movement By Customer | See what your customers are purchasing. | Web/Excel |
Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Item Movement By Vendor | Analyze how well the products from specific vendors are performing. | Web/Excel |
Item Movement By Preferred Vendor | Analyze how well the products from specific vendors are performing. Items’ data that have multiple vendors will be listed under preferred vendor exclusively. | Web/Excel |
Vendor Customer Item Activity | Gives a greater insight which vendors are preferred by individual customers. | Web/Excel |
Report Name | Report Description | Data Formats |
Picker Performance | Evaluate the performance of your team. | Web/Excel |
Salesman Performance | View all sales (pre-tax) for each individual salesperson. Great way to evaluate performance and compensation. (By order view) | Web/Excel |
Salesman Sales Items | View all sales (pre-tax) for each individual salesperson. Great way to evaluate performance and compensation. (By item view) | Web/Excel |