To make the order process easier for your customers and save yourself a lot of time, make use of the LodDepot's web store feature.
You have three different options to notify the customer
Preferred way to provide access to the web store.
A traditional access method. Once you send the invitation email, customer has 7 days to follow the link and complete the registration.
You can customize the header (2) and the footer (3) by going to your settings
Settings→Customization→Web Store Invitation Email Text
Wether you want to add a visual aspect to the email or insert a link to a promotion, both can be achieved by using an ad banner. You can learn more about the use of ad banner manager on it's dedicated page.
LodDepot allows customers to self-register on your web store. You can trigger this feature on or off by going into the settings (1). You can also require approval after a customer completes the registration.
If you have opted to require approval for new customers, after a customer fills out all the necessary fields they will get the following message.
If you don't require approval for new customers, after a successful registration, the customer will be able to access the web store and submit orders.
To approve a new customer navigate to Customers/Vendors → Customers → Status “New”
To find your web store link, navigate to Tools → Company Profile → Links Section
If you want to remove customer's registration and access to the web store:
You can also monitor all the activity on the web store. You can do so by navigating to Reports → Web Store Activity